General Dentistry

A Healthy Mouth
for a Healthy Heart

Did you know that a healthy mouth and a healthy heart go hand in hand? New research proves that your oral health and your overall health are more connected than we once thought. This connection is called the oral-systemic link and involves the study of how our systemic health affects our oral health and vice versa. Dentists and doctors specializing in the oral-systemic link estimate that half of all heart attacks are caused by gum disease. When 80% of the American adult population suffers from some level of gum disease, we can’t think of a better reason to start taking better care of your teeth and gums… today!

Oral Hygiene

We hate to sound like a broken record but, “Have you been brushing and flossing regularly?” Because oral hygiene really is the most important factor when it comes to your oral health. Yes, there are other factors involved including your diet, lifestyle habits, pH balance and genetic predisposition. However, poor oral hygiene is the root cause of almost all oral health problems. The good news is, your oral health is in your hands! You, combined with the skilled and compassionate care of your Hillsboro TX dentist, have the power to keep your smile clean and healthy for life. All you have to do is implement good oral hygiene into your daily routine, and come see us at Cowan Family Dentistry for your regular exams and cleanings. Now that you’ve implemented a stellar oral homecare routine, you’re ready to ace your next checkup. We will perform a comprehensive exam and update your x-rays if needed. At Cowan Family Dentistry, we’re proud to have one of the best oral hygiene teams in Hillsboro that will leave you with that fresh from the dentist clean feeling – without the sore gums! Here’s some advice straight from the oral health professionals at Cowan Family Dentistry:

  1. Brush at least twice a day, ideally before eating or drinking. Brushing immediately after eating can cause the acidity to damage your enamel. We recommend an electric toothbrush (Sonicare® is most recommended by dentists). Make sure to reach all the way to the back and brush the tongue.
  2. Floss every day, before your nightly brushing to remove plaque between teeth. Floss first, then brush to remove particles left behind.
  3. Rinse with mouthwash daily after you brush to kill more germs and bacteria, prevent gum disease, and promote fresh breath.
  4. Rinse with water after eating and drinking to reduce plaque and decay by minimizing the time sugar and acid have in contact with your teeth.
  5. Eat a healthy balanced diet. A healthy diet for your teeth is similar to a healthy diet for your body. You should minimize sugar intake and highly acidic foods and drinks.

Tooth Colored Fillings

If you’ve never had to have a cavity filled, you might be the only one. Most kids get cavities, and most adults will get one or more cavities as grownups, too. Cavities are nothing to be ashamed about, but that doesn’t mean you need a glaring reminder every time you open your mouth. Thankfully, with advances in modern dentistry and materials, we can now fill cavities with a natural looking tooth colored resin that blends in seamlessly with natural teeth. Tooth colored fillings, or composite fillings, are not only more attractive, they are also stronger and more durable to withstand biting forces, and won’t expand and contract with temperature changes like metal fillings do. Not to mention, they don’t use trace amounts of mercury, like metal fillings do, which has been found to be quite toxic to the human body. Tooth colored fillings safely and aesthetically fill cavities and stop tooth decay for a healthier, more attractive smile!

Perio Protect®

Perio Protect® is a revolutionary long-term, minimally invasive, non-surgical gum disease treatment. In the past, the only way to treat gum disease was with regular cleaning of the root surfaces (scaling and root planing), which is still effective, but is temporary and be uncomfortable for the patient. Scaling and root planing requires maintenance every three months. In more advanced cases, surgery would be required. With these methods, we still see 80% of the American adult population with gum disease. Perio Protect® is a more comprehensive approach to gum disease treatment. This approach combines dental cleanings with an at-home tray and medication kit. Perio Trays® are custom designed with a special sealing system to deliver powerful medication below the gum line. Patients put the medication into the tray and wear it for a few minutes a day. This gives patients the power to take gum disease treatment into their own hands.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our practice or would like to schedule a consultation with your Hillsboro dentist, Dr. Ryan Cowan at Complete Health Dentistry, give us a call today at (254) 582-9555 or schedule a visit online!