Emergency Dentistry

If you’ve ever experienced a dental injury or had a tooth knocked out, you know how traumatic it can be. Especially because oral injuries tend to bleed a lot, and when the saliva gets mixed with blood, it can make the situation seem a lot worse than it actually is. If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic dental injury, don’t panic, pick up the phone and give us a call right away. Dental injuries are highly time sensitive, and you may only have a small window of time to save the tooth.

Thankfully, your Hillsboro TX dentist is on call 24/7, because emergencies don’t always happen during business hours. We make time in our schedule every day to accommodate emergency appointments and will do our best to get you in to see Dr. Cowan as soon as possible.

Some common dental emergencies include:

  • Broken tooth
  • Tooth knocked out
  • Severe toothache
  • Pain or swelling
  • Signs of infection
  • Bitten lip or cheek
  • Abscess