Patient Information

No Insurance? No Problem!

Join our Membership Plan and get routine preventive care, plus discounts on treatment for a low monthly fee.

Exclusively For Uninsured Patients Low Monthly Payments For Preventive Care Save Money On Treatment

Subscription-based membership plans are beginning to dominate almost every market, and for good reason! From Netflix for movies and entertainment, to Amazon Prime for…pretty much anything, and Dollar Shave Club for silky smoothness, the subscription-based model is gaining traction and giving consumers a new way to pay for products and services. Why not pay a low monthly fee for dental care, and take the insurance company out of the equation?

Since the 1970’s, preventive care has been driven by insurance. Patients with insurance could receive quality preventive care regularly, while patients without insurance would be charged hundreds of dollars per visit for a preventive appointment including a cleaning, exam, and x-rays. In the current economy, 58% of employers plan to drop dental insurance benefits if insurance costs continue to rise.

The good news is, over 2,000 dental offices in the U.S. now offer subscription membership plans, including your Hillsboro, TX dentist at Complete Health Dentistry!

Payment Options

Insurance & Financing

At Complete Health Dentistry, we will help you maximize the use of your insurance benefits, which need to be used each calendar year as they do not roll over at year-end. We are a participating/preferred provider with several insurance plans – please feel free to call or email us about more specific information regarding those plans.Insurance should be used to assist patients with payment for necessary services, not limit them to what can and cannot be done – but we also understand the financial hardship making dental care a priority can present. We also believe that quality dental care should be accessible to everyone. The skilled and compassionate Complete Health Dentistry staff combines strategic treatment planning, maximizing any insurance benefits, and the addition of flexible financing options as necessary to offer our patients the most affordable options possible. We can come up with a payment plan that works for any budget. We also accept cash, personal checks, and most major credit cards.


CareCredit® is one of the leading healthcare credit cards and is accepted at over 175,000 providers nationwide. CareCredit® works just like any other credit card but is used strictly for healthcare expenses, including dentistry. Pay upfront for necessary procedures, and make affordable monthly payments that work with your budget. CareCredit® financing is flexible, convenient, and the application process is simple.


We offer patient financing We partnered with Wisetack to offer our patients flexible financing options, so you can pay over time rather than all at once for treatment. The application takes about a minute to complete, and checking your options does not impact your credit score. Finance treatments up to $15,000* Terms from 3 to 24 months* APRs range from 0 to 35.9%* No hidden fees or compounding interest Prequalify today with no impact to your credit and contact us to learn about financing your next treatment! *All financing is subject to credit approval. Your terms may vary. Payment options through Wisetack are provided by our lending partners. For example, a $1,200 purchase could cost $104.89 a month for 12 months, based on an 8.9% APR, or $400 a month for 3 months, based on a 0% APR. Offers range from 0-35.9% APR based on creditworthiness. No other financing charges or participation fees. See additional terms at

Proceed Finance

Proceed Finance offers financing to bridge the gap between healthcare services and the overall affordability of those services. Our convenient online payment calculator can estimate interest rates and repayment terms that last up to 96 months. Once you choose Proceed Finance, the application process is straightforward. We work with your budget to find manageable monthly payments that fit your healthcare costs. We want to help you invest in you!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our practice or would like to schedule a consultation with your Hillsboro dentist, Dr. Ryan Cowan at Complete Health Dentistry, give us a call today at (254) 582-9555 or schedule a visit online!